Elves. Pack of four metal models. (DK025)
Orcs. Pack of four metal models. (DK026)
Goblins. Pack of four metal models. (DK027)

Infantry with Swords. Pack of four metal models. (DK028)
Infantry with Dagger Axes. Pack of four metal models. (DK029)
Infantry with Bows. Pack of four metal models. (DK030)

Infantry Command. Pack of four metal models. (DK031)
Temple Lion Rider. Pack of one metal model.
Temple Lion Rider II. Pack of one metal model. (DK033)

Chinese Minotaur. Pack of one metal model. (DK034)
Flying Dragon Horse. Pack of one metal model. (DK035)
Chinese Heroes III. Pack of four metal models. (DK036)